Little's Life

Little's Life

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Little and Mister

Teaching Little how to call the hogs ~ WPS!

What does a tiger say?

What prompted the tiger video:

So the Tiger costume is out this Halloween.

Trying to get away with opening the trash can

On a bench at the train station in Nashville

Cruising and learning the word "wall"

singing and dancing

playing ball

fixing his own breakfast

and how he felt about that big ole mess

Thank you to everyone who gave me input on the book decision! (totally doin' it) :) :) :) :) :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

If I were published in a book...

would ya'll buy it?  I want some honest opinions here.  I have the opportunity to snag a co-author spot (along with about 40 others) in Misty VanderWeele's newest book, Saving Our Sons & Daughters 2.  It's a collaboration of short stories and poems by people who have been affected by Duchenne.  Misty was quite successful with her first edition, Saving Our Sons - one story at a time and so I have no doubt about how well she will put together this one.  

What I would need to do is reserve my spot by paying my share (about $200) and submit my story of 1500 words or less all by October 31.  Short timeline, I kinda worries me.  I wish the deadline was a few months out so I could have more time to pick and choose the theme of my entry.  Also, is it too early for me to weigh in?  Little's only been diagnosed for 6 weeks - am I going to offend "veterans" by having the audacity to speak on something I've barely been introduced to? 

The $200 fee is to help cover publishing costs, formatting, editing, etc.  She is allowing 1 picture per submission, which drives up publishing cost, too.  Mister's first objection was over the cost, but I understand why Misty needs to charge.  We can't expect her to front all the cost herself!  I, unfortunately, have to put the fee in the "con" side of the page.  $197 is a LOT of money for this household.  As all of you military fams know, money is not free flowing in this lifestyle.  The fee also gives the writers the option to participate in the affiliate writer selling program - meaning I would get 50% of the profit for every book I sold.  So *IF* I chose to do it and *IF* ya'll actually bought a copy, I could gain back my share fee and put all the rest of the profits toward Duchenne research or set it aside to start saving for Andrew's future medical needs.  For all I know the profit margin is around a nickle a book - I mean hopefully we're closer to dollarS a book, but I honestly have no idea.  I just came across this last night, so it's all new to me.

So.......what do ya'll think?  It's no secret that I'd like to be published one day and that eventually this blog will be turned into some kind of book in Andrew's memory, but should I start now?  Is it too early?  Is this the right project to start with?  Would ya'll actually buy the finished book?  Spill, please.  I don't have a whole lot of time to make my decision!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hope and Help

Hope and help - it's what the MDA means to so many families and those are the same 2 feelings it raised in me last night. Watching the MDA Telethon yesterday was both uplifting and humbling. I didn't expect it to be so emotional for me, yet with every child's story and with every donation handed over, the tears flowed. I am just so blown away by how many people and corporations give to the MDA. The Nashville chapter alone hit $250,000 in the first hour and Little Rock was given over $147,000! Do you have ANY idea how many families that will help?! It takes $800 for 1 child to be able to attend MDA's summer camp, $500 to repair 1 wheelchair for a year, and it takes about $74 to fund each minute of research. If all the money made in the first hour of the telethon was put toward finding a cure, then Little Rock and Nashville combined made enough to fund about 89 hours of research! CRAZY. Good things are going to happen in the world of muscular dystrophy! I have no idea what the totals were at the end of the night bc I went to bed at 10:00. I dvr'd, I swear! I'll finish it out today at some point. See? I told ya'll I wasn't trying to make you watch all 6 hours, I didn't even make it myself!

I want to personally thank a few people I know who made a muscle last night on behalf of Andrew;

Windsong Church of Christ - I have known most of you since I was 8 years old. Some of you watched me grow up, some of you grew up with me, and some of you only know me through my parents (who still attend). When my mom called me last night with the total amount of donations she received from you all, I was blown away. I feel so blessed and honored to be a part of the Windsong family and knowing how much you care about Andrew truly humbles me. I cannot express the magnitude of my gratitude for you. Mister and I are placing membership at here at Barkers Mill Church of Christ later this month and if we get half as much support here as we have with you, we'll still be overloaded with blessings and love.

Christie, Rosie, Renee, Niki, Amanda, Yavonda, Rheta, and Tanya - <3 <3 <3. You've got your own lives and families to handle but you still set aside time to promote, donate, and educate yourselves and others about DMD and the MDA. So touched. So thankful. I hope you all know just how much that means to me.

MOM!!!! - You volunteered at the Little Rock MDA office during ALL 6 hours of the telethon as a hostess, mailed out flyers, brought in donations, and raised SO MUCH awareness all in about 10 days time. You are the best mom in the world, the best grandma in the world!!!!! There are so many people in my life whose mothers could never be half the woman you are and it reminds me just how lucky Sam, Andrew, and I are to get to have you. (Poop. Now I'm crying again.) The way you dove into this without a second thought is inspiring.

To everyone I didn't name who watched, donated, prayed - I thank all of you. To have something like this hit your family is like running face first into a brick wall. You fall hard and you are left with a pile of rubble around you, dazed and lost. It is in a moment like this when you start to see those around you clearly. The people in your life who are true friends, true brothers and sisters, reach out a hand to help you up. For those of you have done that over the last month, I thank God for you.

I am excited to see how much we can bring in over this next year and present to MDA next Labor Day. Bike ride? Walk? Sell shamrocks? So many ideas! I've got to make bumper stickers and t-shirts and keychains on my site ( so I can donate all the profits. I've got to figure out a way to add a permalink on here for MDA donations, too.

Oh, and I want to say Hey! and Welcome! to my readers who have found me via Washington University, BabyCenter, Little Rock Mamas, and PPMD!

Hope and Help!